Thursday, October 24, 2013


For anyone who wants a brief overall description of Napoleons life, this is where to go.  It gives you dates and events from his birth (August 15, 1769) to his death (May 5, 1821).  I am curious.  Is dying in your early 50's during this time period and early age for someone to die?  Or did people die earlier than this?  Because I know people did not live as long as they do now?

This website has many topics on Napoleon.  It covers his education and early military career.  His rise to power.  His marriage, children, and his downfall.

At first, when you look at these quotes you can not be sure if these are real.  I went further and checked multiple sites to compare and found most of the same quotes on different websites.  This website does not give you all this history on Napoleon like other sites.  It does, however, gives you an idea on how Napoleon thought.  You can understand the things that went through his mind. For example:
"Women are nothing but machines for producing children."
If it is harder for someone to follow along with this mans life, I would reccommend this site.  It is separated in sections and is much easier to follow.
This site was my favorite.  I found so many cool facts.
- Josephine's real name was Rose. Her full name, ( Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de la Pagerie).  Apparently, Napoleon did not like her name and he changed it to Josephine.
-Josephine was 6 years older than Napoleon.
- Their divorce was actually because Josephine could not produce an heir.

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